Extending a Bolivian Visa: What You Need and Where to Go

Updated June 2023

**Edit: As of February 2021, the visa requirement for U.S. Citizens has been reinstated. Tourists are granted a maximum stay by the immigration officer for 30, 60, or 90 days. Tourists are only permitted a maximum of 90 days in Bolivia per calendar year.

Visa requirements may vary for citizens of other countries, so always check the Bolivian government requirements in advance of your trip. Furthermore, this article does not cover requirements related to the pandemic**

Getting a Bolivian visa is a bit of a hassle. Luckily, once you have the visa, it is generally good for 30 days at a time for up to 90 days a year for 10 years. If you plan to be in Bolivia for more than a month at a time, you may need to extend your visa. Here’s everything you need to know about extending a Bolivian visa. For more information on how to get the visa itself, take a look at the checklist of the requirements needed.

What you Need to Extend your Visa

Compared to the requirements needed to get the visa in the first place, the requirements to get a 30-day extension are simple. You will only need five things:

  • Your valid passport
  • A photocopy of the information page of your passport
  • Your TAM card (Andean Migration Card) that you filled out at the border when entering Bolivia
  • A photocopy of your TAM card
  • A photocopy of your entry stamp into Bolivia

Now, don’t panic if you did not receive a TAM card when you crossed the border. We entered Bolivia two different times. The first time we received a card, but the second time we did not. If you didn’t get one at the border, don’t worry. Just explain that you did not receive one. If you entered by plane, it may have been filed electronically.

This is the bottom half of the TAM card that you may have received when you entered Bolivia
This is the bottom half of the TAM card that you may have received when you entered Bolivia

If you don’t have photocopies, there are plenty of places to get them. In La Paz, there are several copy shops on Calle Loyaza, just a couple blocks from the immigration office. These shops often have signs that say “photocopias” or “impresiones.”

Where to Extend your Visa

If you need an extension, you can receive it in some of the major cities in Bolivia, but note that you are not able to get a visa extension at any of the borders. The two most popular cities for extensions are Sucre and La Paz. You can also leave Bolivia for a few days and renew your 30-day stay when you cross the border back into the country.

You are only able to extend your visa in the final three days that it is valid. This means that it is important to plan your trip around these dates to ensure you are located in one of the cities you can renew at near the end of each 30-day period. Give yourself at least a day or two to obtain an extension just in case there are any issues.

Extending a Bolivian Visa at the Immigration Office

We were staying in La Paz at the end of our first 30 days, so we renewed our visas there. The immigration office is located on Avenida Camacho between the streets of Bueno and Loyaza. The office is a popular place, so it is important to get there early in the day to avoiding wasting your whole morning or afternoon.

In Sucre, the immigration office is located on Calle Bustillos, two and a half blocks from Plaza 25 de Mayo. We believe that there are also immigration offices in Santa Cruz and Cochabamba.

Getting Our Extension in La Paz

We got to the embassy a little before 9:00 a.m., and there was already a line well out the door. We lined up along the outside of the building and waited for about 40 minutes before we got inside.

Once we got inside, we headed to the right where there is a desk with an official behind it. When it was our turn, we said “Necesitamos extender nuestras visas, por favor”. He printed out a ticket for each of us with a letter and a number following it, then told us to wait our turn.

We stared at the screen for about an hour looking for this number, and it never showed up!
We stared at the screen for about an hour looking for this number, and it never showed up!

There were tons of people there, and a TV screen displayed ticket numbers and the desk to go to. We waited and waited for our numbers to show up, but after 45 minutes… nothing. We weren’t sure what to do, but then a man next to us asked where we were from. It turns out he lived in Ohio, but was from Bolivia.

He asked what we needed there, and after we told him, he told us that we shouldn’t be waiting with a ticket at all. We grabbed the attention of one of the officials walking around, and she guided us to the desk in the far right corner of the room. We presented our passports there, were signed in, and then were asked to wait in the back.

In just a few minutes, a man came out and we told him that we needed “treinta días más.” He took our passports and photocopies into a room with him. In less than five minutes, we had a 30-day extension stamp on our original entry stamp and TAM cards. They kept our photocopies.

The small 30-day extension gets stamped over your original entry stamp
The small 30-day extension gets stamped over your original entry stamp

If we hadn’t met the man from Ohio, there’s no telling how long we would have been waiting to see our number pop up on the screen! Getting a ticket and waiting in the queue might be the right way to do it, but if you are unsure, ask someone to clarify.

Things to Note

Tourists can stay in Bolivia for up to 90 days each calendar year. This means that you can extend your 30-day visa twice.

If you do overstay your visa, you will be forced to pay a fine for each day you overstayed. We’ve read that this fine can range from $1 to almost $3 per day, and this is often processed quickly. However, overstaying for months may cause issues and result in detainment and/or being banned from entering Bolivia for some time. Of course, we don’t recommend this approach.

Final Thoughts on Extending a Bolivian Visa

All in all, receiving a 30-day extension for our Bolivian visas was pretty simple. Visa requirements are different for each country, but it is likely that this process applies to many of you, especially if you received a 30-day stamp when you entered the country.

If you are uncertain as to the requirements for your country or specific visa, reach out to the Bolivian embassy before your trip to confirm that extension is possible.

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Extending a Bolivian Visa

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. jared

    When you entered bolivia did you have a round trip ticket or proof of exiting the country at 30 days? I want to be there more than a month and Ive booked a one way ticket, but I know they require you upon entry to have some proof of when you plan to exit the country. But, I dont know when im going to leave exactly. how did you guys navigate this requirement?

    1. Matt & Lia

      We were in the same situation not knowing how long we were going to be in Bolivia or where we were going to exit the country. For proof of onward travel, we booked a refundable ticket through TicketsBolivia with the intention of cancelling it after we entered the country. Once in Bolivia, we sent a request to cancel the ticket back into Peru and they granted it without any issues. It looks like their cancellation policy now refunds only 80% of the ticket if it is cancelled at least 72 hours before the departing time. It may be worth checking other bus companies individually to see what their cancellation policy is.

      Another option we used for proof of onward travel when entering Peru from the U.S. was to buy a refundable flight and cancel it within 24 hours or whatever the airline’s timeframe is for a full refund.

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